What Love Is...What Love Does

Shows patience

Acts with kindness

Does not act out of jealousy, or brags, or puffs up with selfish pride, or acts disgracefully

Does not seek its own way, or is irritable, or seeks evil

Does not rejoice over the wrong but rejoices with the truth

fends off the bad, trusts, hopes, remains when others would have gone

Never ends

Reflection Questions:

  1. When is a recent time when someone showed this kind of love to you? Not because you deserved it, but because they love you.
  2. When is a recent time when you showed this kind of love to someone else? Not because they deserved it, but because you love them.
  3. When is a recent time when you chose to act in a way other than in love? Why did you do this?
  4. How might you act differently than this way of non-love?